Family FiT
BEcome the family you envision through building TRUST: fulfilling what the Soul seeks
our quick story
what people can expect
Course Details
Course Description: Spirit and Family Dynamics
Family FIT is part of the Women of Light program that creates an environment where spiritual awareness offering clarity towards family needs while feeding their souls to feel loved, valued, and accepted. When spiritual insights are applied in everyday life within family dynamics and relationships, trust is built, line upon line, precept upon precept.
How does your energy vibration, belief systems, and stories manifest in family life? Each family member is a Spiritual being FIRST, having an earthly experience. No family member is bad, or the problem, or needing fixed; each family member's behavior is communicating what their Soul is lacking or seeking.
Would you like to grow your families love, trust, and connection?
Do family members feel heard?
Do they feel valued?
Do they feel accepted?
IF there is any disruptive behavior? Do you have greater contention versus peace within your family?
Learning core principles of energy balancing and energy healing work coupled with the philosophy of oneness will be discussed and experienced then be applied to continue building upon a solid foundation as you move forward spiritually focused within the family and home. You will be introduced to the characteristics of the Ego and Spirit, and how these points of view, stories, limiting belief systems, and emotions inform patterns of thinking, behavior, and often times compromise and/or cause conflict with our relationships with others. Each family member will be given a Healing Matrix report AND a Human Design report. Each offers clarity of what the Soul seeks.
Teaching this technique for yourself and your family members for the purpose of living a life that is spiritually aligned, balanced, and uplifting for the family unit. You will become one and the same purpose as God the Father, Jesus Christ, and Mother Mary. You will embrace and embody pure faith, love, trust, and grace.
Course Goals
Students who complete this course successfully will be able to:
- Continued demonstrated proficiency in the ability to use intuition, pendulum, and/or wire.
- Continued proficiency in applying the Healing Matrix Technique.
- Understand the masks we wear, the roles we play, and expectations in familial settings.
- Understand familial life from a spiritual perspective. Our stories, baggage, our energies and how they are interconnected.
- Apply the Philosophy of Oneness in family dynamics and relationships with neutrality. (Course Relations)
- Understanding the gifts of neutrality.
- Understanding projection and the importance of forgiveness.
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