What would you say is the key ingredient needed to Restore Trust in yourself?
Click here for photo credit – it’s also a great article When you see something that speaks to your heart, you spend time pondering it. I’m going to tell you a little story. Why? Because of a quote I read. Thank you #empathrefuge for sharing this on Instagram. I knew the moment I read these words I wasn’t alone. […]
How to bring the Invisible Visible; say what?
First I want to thank SammyJ for her blog. You can find her by clicking here. I also added her link to the photo. My friend, Kristen Holland shared an insight with me that has had me pondering for a few days; “Greatness Lies within all of us ~ sometimes we just need to shift perspective […]
{Waking Up ~ on purpose} Love THYself

I read this post on FB and thought I’d share it. After I did, I deleted it. WHY? Because after thinking about it I knew there was more to the story. I fully embrace the importance of acceptance, which I believe was the main point of this message, BUT I also fully embrace the desire […]