How does an Introvert stay out of this Blackhole? I’ll share three easy steps on how you can, my fellow introvert, stay away from this slippery slope!

Hello fellow Introvert! If you are a true Introvert this picture sparks a pang of truth in your heart. But what do you do about it? Or you may be saying, I’m not in the spotlight but I still feel judged. Let me explain it in greater detail. You see I’m an introvert but many believe […]
Have you ever considered that deep inside, you are just a witness, eternally silent, aware and unchanged? ~Osho

This blog is for my soul tribe! Are you an introvert, empathic, intuitive woman? Maybe you don’t know or want to admit you are intuitive because you fear the repercussions of others finding out. You’ve already felt the disapproval of family members, maybe you feel you’re just crazy. Well, you’re not! What about feeling the […]