What does it even mean to Love They Neighbor as Thyself?

What do you see in this photo?I see water flowing effortlessly as a life-giving water source! I’ll use this photo of flowing water as an analogy, speaking about LOVE. To fully heal from dysfunctional relationships, you must recognize the power of spirit, flowing effortlessly through you. AND, becoming aware of Spiritual love, that life giving source that […]
The Biggest Mistake I Realized I Made

Growing up, I felt that MY emotions were the most important to deal with, however, I was always put down and easily made to feel my feelings were stupid! As a child, of course, my feelings were the most important, right? Don’t most children have the “me, me, me” focus? I remember I was always […]
{Waking Up ~ on purpose} Love THYself

I read this post on FB and thought I’d share it. After I did, I deleted it. WHY? Because after thinking about it I knew there was more to the story. I fully embrace the importance of acceptance, which I believe was the main point of this message, BUT I also fully embrace the desire […]