Happiness Income? What does that have to do with Trauma & Trust?
What does happiness have anything to do with income? Again, I went to my analytical brain and began dissecting the idea that was forming in my mind. First, let’s get into what we know and how we feel about happiness. Webster defines Happiness as (noun) – the state of being happy. We hold an individual and unique definition […]
Energetic Connection; is there such a thing? Yes, meet Mo
Mo is like a customer service rep for the universe. Think Santa Clause idea, a ‘man’ who hears what you want for Christmas … you get what you wanted IF you’ve been good and you don’t get it IF you’ve been bad. Have you ever thought, who defines, good? who defines, bad? Is the […]
Energetic Connection; is that even a real thing?

Part one: What does excellence mean to you? What does perfection mean to you? These are important questions to answer! We all strive to become better but why does it feel so difficult to do so? Why is it so hard for us to see any progression, or at least to recognize […]