Part one:

What does excellence mean to you?

What does perfection mean to you?

These are important questions to answer! We all strive to become better but why does it feel so difficult to do so? Why is it so hard for us to see any progression, or at least to recognize progression for the goals or desires we seek? 

This word prompted me to find a visual that represented how we might perceive what we do consciously and non-consciously. I found the 'high' bar photo. We set our 'bar' to what we believe is meant for excellence and perfection, according to us, right?

Think about it, if I strive to lose weight to get to that perfect weight I believe I am to be, I set my bar to a number I seek to hit. Yes, technically that bar would be lowered because the numbers would decrease but you get my point, right? 

Now, how do I go about accomplishing my goal? This is where Grethchen's book comes in and triggered my analytical mind. 

Let's start at the beginning. I just finished reading the book, "The Four Tendencies" by Gretchen Rubin ~ here's a link to buy it if this resonates with you, and NO, I don't get any kind of kickback if you do decide to purchase it. I'm simply sharing this book with you in case you wanted to learn more about what I'm going to be talking about. 

It is a different kind of personality book, and of course, I love that kind of stuff! I am fascinated with HOW people work, what influences them, and what makes the difference in whether they progress or stall out with desires. 

Gretchen researched how people react to following through or is there more to this word, expectation? 

Not to spoil the book but I have to at least share with you what I'm talking about, right?  I'll summarize and you can read more in detail. It's a well done book! I enjoyed it. 

I'll take one or two of her examples to explain. 

I'm an upholder. Apparently, this is a rare personality trait. IF I fit this perfectly, I would meet external expectations (I would meet a deadline, time commitments etc) AND I'd meet my inner expectations (I would meet a commitment I made to myself. If I make a goal to drink more water, I drink more water.) My everyday life is like a programed machine. 

I'm also part Rebel. Most of the time, I'm an upholder and I have no problem doing all that I want to do. I'm very structured, which people seem to think I have life all figured out but for me that's just a natural way of life.  The rebel part of me doesn't like to meet external expectations OR my inner expectations. I only do what I want, not what others or myself for that matter, expect of me.  I can flip off life some days and feel really good about it. Now, this doesn't happen often as an upholder but it could happen daily as a rebel. 

The shadow side of expectation is equal to the original words, perfection and excellence. We uphold expectations the same as perfection and excellence. We've created a self imposed 'bar' to meet, and on the shadow side, something we believe GOD will meet IF we do 1, 2, or 3.  An expectation is an attachment to an outcome.  The shadow side holds conditions, self-imposed conditions.  

That's an interesting word. Expectation.

Do we hold an inner desire to meet God's expectations to become as perfect as we can in this life? Do we hold an inner desire to meet society's view of what excellence means? Or do we reject what is given because it doesn't meet our expectation of what it should be? 

Let me share with you what I mean by energetic statistics. Based on the movie, "The Secret," it reflects the power within thoughts. IF you thought about what you desire strong enough, it would appear in your life. This is where goal boards, dream boards all come into play. They seek to find that 'secret' to get all of what we desire most in life. 

Pause your reading and spend some time writing down what you want most right now ... I'm confident there will be many different things each of you writes down. Connect with me @RestoredSoul5 on Instagram and Facebook, I go into this subject often and I always love when perspectives are shared. 

It's time to find out what this Secret is to gain or get (I use the word manifest) whatever your heart desires. Yes, it is a real thing!

WARNING ONE: I will state this upfront, not to throw cold water on this exciting idea but to give you stability in understanding that using this gift is not to use it like a spoiled child to get whatever you want and if you don't get it exactly, you throw a temper tantrum. This is the response when the shadow side of expectation is in play. I know some of you reading this are guilty of that! How do I know, I've had plenty of temper tantrums. I now call them spiritual tantrums when I feel after all I can do, God still doesn't deliver what I asked for, yep, I place attachments and conditions on those situations often ... My life journey has become to understand why I do this, so I do have an answer for you. Keep reading. 

WARNING TWO: When I get on the shadow side of expectation, I've learned The higher the expectation, the greater the disappointment. Read that again ~

First, you must have a few key principles you live by to be in a position to have access to manifesting as explained above. I share these principles in a FREE download I created, 3 Secrets to boost mental health.

It's yours if you want it .... lol, see what I did there? Ok, bad pun. On a serious note, it is free! 

I like to call this 'secret' creation energy and I've named it Mo.

What makes Mo give you something or not? How can you get Mo to listen? How can you get Mo to follow through? 

Click here for 'part-two' IF you want to learn more about Mo 

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