Happiness Income? What does that have to do with Trauma & Trust?
What does happiness have anything to do with income? Again, I went to my analytical brain and began dissecting the idea that was forming in my mind. First, let’s get into what we know and how we feel about happiness. Webster defines Happiness as (noun) – the state of being happy. We hold an individual and unique definition […]
{Blog: Waking Up~ on purpose} Faith

Have you Honored FAITH today? When I meditate and ask for direction, I ask for specific guidance. I have so many ideas, thoughts, and responsibilities happening all at the same time, that I request guidance specifically for what serves my highest good and the highest good for all, that specific day. I have witnessed miracles in […]
{New Blog} Love Health

What does Love Health mean? Ask it this way, what is Healthy Love? I choose this picture because it shows the value of receiving love. In the scriptures we hear about a ‘broken’ heart and contrite spirit. Not that your heart has to break out of tragedy, but for me, it means your heart is […]