I don’t want to!

How many times a day do you think or say that? How many times in your life have you heard a child say that? What comes up when you hear “I don’t want to” “I don’t want to” can be a good thing; such as creating a boundary, setting limits, or being in charge of […]

The Power of Patterns – part 2

As an Emotional Fitness Leader, everything that shows up as a pattern in our physical realm mirrors patterns we hold in our energetic realm.  With that said, click here to read part 1 if you haven’t already. How we choose and what source of information we choose from (emotional filters created by neuropathways; spiritual blueprints) makes a […]

What’s the correlation between addiction, happiness, & healing? part 1

Ok, so this is a scientific type blog post on understanding an easier way for breaking bad habits. What’s the correlation between addiction, happiness, & healing? CHOICE connects all three! So it’s about CHOICE!  Not just how we choose, but why we choose and how that affects our behavior and ultimately our desire to heal.  […]