Is there such a thing as Eternal Separation?
I’ve had so many thoughts swirling around in my head. You know from previous posts that I spend time analyzing and sorting my thoughts through writing. Here’s what I know, believing there is Eternal Separation is more harmful to our Spirits than embracing the truth of God’s love for all his children. What does YOUR […]
{Blog: Waking Up~ on purpose} Living in Hell?

Why? Am I living in Hell? Caution: This blog post is written to share vulnerable moments I had this week. Includes a thought of suicide, recognizing my on going feelings of fight or flight, and challenges with mental illness’ within my family. I promise to share both, the good and bad! Here’s the BAD first: […]
{Blog: Waking Up~ on purpose} Who are WE?

Who are WE? I saw this and I thought of all our emotional challenges. Do we ‘suffer’ from feeling inadequate? Do we ‘suffer’ from feeling unworthy? Do we ‘suffer’ because we are stubborn or insecure? All of these challenges are validated through our emotional filters, and those filters are unique for everyone. Do they FEEL […]